Our mission is to strengthen the effectiveness of the public and private sector
agencies so that they may better serve their communities and clients. To achieve
this purpose, we deliver customized and participatory consulting services.

Students Photo
Since 1998 Mr. Gibson has focused on developing an innovative system of services that integrate best practice research, evaluation, strategic planning, and leadership coaching in order to support the capacity of public agencies and schools to serve their communities.

Paul Gibson, M.A.

Founder and President

In 1986 Paul Gibson founded Gibson & Associates (G&A) to provide a range of consulting services to non-profit organizations and public agencies. G&A has specialized in conducting organizational and systems assessments, literature reviews, and applied research, and in facilitating the planning and writing process for state and federal grants. Under Mr. Gibson’s direction, G&A achieved over a 90% success rate and developed over $450 million in state and federal funding for agencies throughout northern and central California. Throughout the years, Mr. Gibson developed an innovative system of services that integrate best practices, evaluation, strategic planning, and leadership coaching to support the capacity of non-profits and public agencies, including schools, universities, and city governments, to better serve their communities. Major initiatives led by Mr. Gibson include:

  • Grant writing for the Capital Region Academies for the Next Economy (CRANE) Consortium, a six-county regional partnership that includes Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Yuba, Yolo, and Nevada counties. The consortium comprises 21 school districts and county offices of education reaching some 70 high schools and 197,000 students.
  • Strategic planning for Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (2003, 2008) and the City of Irvine (2010).
  • San Mateo County Mental Health Service Act planning and comprehensive evaluations of eight prevention and early intervention programs.
  • Family Education and Resource Center in Alameda County.
  • The San Francisco Drug Court system for adults and juveniles.
  • A continuum of housing and homeless services in Contra Costa County and the acquisition and rehabilitation of several downtown Oakland SRO hotels for the homeless.
  • Numerous innovative welfare reform initiatives linked to child care, education and employment.
  • Performance measures for Adult Education in Oakland Unified School District.
  • Early Childhood Education Funding for non-profits in Oakland Unified School District.
  • Several university-city partnerships involving UC Berkeley, Stanford, and the cities of Berkeley and Oakland.
  • The Healthy Start infant mortality initiative, a national model developed in Oakland, California.
  • An integrated network of family health, education, teen pregnancy, and youth development services for the City of Modesto.

Prior to founding G&A, Mr. Gibson was a child care teacher and child care director, a group home counselor, a high school English teacher, and for seven years served as the Development Director at Youth Homes in Contra Costa County during a time when the agency grew from a five site one-county program to a four county, fourteen site organization.

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